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A Bit About Lay Preaching Class

Zoom class hosted by King of Glory Lutheran Church

Who is invited?

People who love God and have a message to share about faith, God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. This course will give you tools & resources for your preaching tool belt.

Zoom Classes: The Zoom invitation will be given after you sign up

When: Monday evenings at 7:00 –8:00 pm MDT, Oct 3, 10, 17, 31

Cost: FREE


Teacher: Pastor Connie Winter-Eulberg, Pastor at King of Glory Lutheran Church in Boise, ID. She has an M.Div. from Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, OH and an MSW from the University of Kansas. Her ministry sites have been: Developing a healing ministry that focused on spiritual healing for survivors of sexual and domestic violence (Kansas City, MO);Campus pastor at Colorado State University for 17 years: Pastor at St. Andrews Lutheran Church, San Mateo, CA. Pastor Connie has been adjunct faculty at St. Paul School of Theology, supervised 2 seminary interns and many “Ministry in Context”

Seminary Students.


Why is teaching lay people about preaching important.

1. Ephesians 4:12-13 it says that it is our task to equip the followers of Jesus for ministry. God gives a wide variety of people the gift of preaching.

2. It is healthy for a congregation to hear a wide variety of preachers who can be used by God to bring the message. Any congregation has people who have varied learning styles and a wide range of preachers can be uplifting and helpful.

3. Lay preachers can become vital leaders in a congregation.

4. Lay preachers come with a different perspective on ministry and their voice is a blessing.

5. Lay preachers are wonderful resources when a called pastor is on vacation, at a church conference, away for Continuing Education, a family emergency or is ill.

Class Schedule will include:

Why do we preach? How do we decide what to focus on? What is the goal of a sermon? How do I craft a sermon? What are the many forms that sermons can take? Each person will record a 3-5 minute sermon and record it to show to the class and get applause and helpful comments.

Sign Up Link:

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One resource is needed for this class:

A Sermon Workbook – Exercises In the Art and Craft of Preaching” by Thomas H. Troeger & Leonora Tubbs Tisdale. This can be bought on Amazon. The paperback version is $21.77 and the Kindle is $14.74. *This is a workbook, but the Kindle book is workable for you to answer the questions on your own computer or paper. If you need help with getting this book please let Pastor Connie know.

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